Upload your staffing model
Digital Kit Materials
What’s in the Biz Prep Folder?
- Blank Welcome Letter
- Sample Cost Sheet (for example only)
- Blank Loan Application
- Blank Promissory Note
- Blank Newspaper Ad
- Blank Radio Ad
- Blank Web Page Ad
- Blank Business Logo
What’s in the Jobs Section Folder?
- Staffing Model for your visit to JA BizTown
- Job Descriptions for each business
- JA BizTown Elections
- JA BizTown Interview Process
- JA BizTown Employment Letter
Fillable PDF Version of the Staffing Model Available at the Bottom of the Page
What’s in the Volunteer Folder?
- Volunteer Plan
- Volunteer Necessary?
- Introduction Letter
- Recruitment Letter
- Assignment Form (to be sent to JA Staff)
- Volunteer Lotter (if necessary)
- Volunteer Follow-Up Letter
What’s in the Visit Section Folder?
- JA BizTown Day off On-Site Overview
- Sample Schedule
- Teacher’s Pre Simulation Checklist
- Student Behavior Contract
- Lunch Option
- Parent / Guardian Consent Form
- Newspaper Prep
- On-Site Reminders
- JA BizTown Facility Layout
- JA BizTown Addresses
- Directions and Map to Facility
Below are supplemental resources and quick access to commonly used JA BizTown paperwork
Inventory List for Each Business
(Items may change based on supply chain issues)